Metals Supply

We’re passionate about metals. We love to offer our customers the materials they need to complete their projects, and even if your needs are different than we usually deal with, we can help you out with all kinds of metal—from chrome bar to honed steel tubing.

Chrome Bar

The chrome bar is a chromium-plated steel product that is primarily utilized as a piston rod material in all hydraulic and pneumatic applications.


Bronze is often used in the fabrication of hardware mounts and other vehicle parts due to its corrosion resistance and unusual coloring.

Cast Iron

Cast iron has good compressive strength and was successfully used for structural components that were largely in compression in well-designed and heavy-duty applications.


Aluminum also has excellent corrosion resistance and is easy to work with heavy machinery due to its thermal and electrical conductivity.

Honed Steel Tubing

Honed tubing is ready to use for hydraulic cylinder applications without further ID processing.

WIL-MAR Hydraulics & Machine is hiring!

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